A Note with Our SAACHI Partners about COVID-19
To Our SAACHI Family:
As small business owners, parents, and children of aging parents, we know that this is a very difficult time for everyone. The SAACHI brand has been founded on togetherness and acts as a safe haven for our customers across the globe.
While SAACHI’s values remain the same, the world around us has suffered many changes these past few weeks. With the spread of the novel COVID-19 coronavirus, SAACHI is hoping to help spread positivity and light during this dark time.
Here at SAACHI by In-Things Corp, we are working hard to minimize the impact of the virus on our business and yours alike. We have maintained on-hand inventory for the upcoming seasons and our logistics is running smoothly. If there are any major changes, we will keep our customers up-to-date.
In New York State, where our offices are located, we are continuing to monitor the situation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call customer service at 914-934-9006 or email sales@inthingscorp.com and we will be happy to assist you.
We appreciate your business and continued partnership. Our thoughts are with you and your family and everyone who has been affected by this virus.
Wishing you health and strength through this time,

Rose Ajmera / President
and the SAACHI Team